This is one of my most popular meditations, and also one of my personal favorites. When I get to the point in the meditation where I step into my own little cabin, my private sanctuary of rest and comfort before a warm fire, I always feel a sense of relief. One of the reasons winter can seem so taxing is it goes against our natural rhythms. Just like the trees that lose their leaves every year, our physiology responds to the cooler temps and shorter days. It's a time that makes us want to nurture from the inside out. It's often an introspective time that encourages a deepening of our meditation and self-reflective practices. However, socially, winter can impose the opposite on us. It's a time of parties and events, particularly relating to the holidays and the end of the year. On top of this, it's also a time we're expected to think of New Year's resolutions and get crackin' on taking active steps. In general, the spring is more aligned with new goals and fresh action, as it's a time of rebirth and reawakening. So if you fall off your New Year's resolutions quickly don't fret - it's probably just not the right time, and you can return to them with renewed vigor in April/May. If you currently feel an inner push-pull between what your inner rhythms want and what you feel obligated to do, then this meditation is for you. It will calm your mind, relax your body and help you to listen to your inner voice, which will tell you what you really need right now. It's also ideal for anyone who just needs a moment to pause and feel everything weighing on you melt away. Download mp3: