I've signed up for Cassandra Lyon's 100 day dance challenge and I'm really excited! The last time I joined a 100 day experience it was the happiness project, where you post something that made you happy every day on social media. It was an incredible experience and I loved how it changed my thinking and brought incredible gifts into my life. The thing that I really loved about it though was that it kept me motivated to focus on what felt good. No matter how much we tell ourselves to do something, sometimes we just need that extra motivation to make it a daily habit. So with this 100 day dance challenge I'm looking forward to being motivated and inspired to get up and be free and move for a few minutes, every day. This project starts November 4th and the cost to join is $47 (I discuss below what comes with enrolling), so you've got a week to think it over and sign up. As a bonus, there's also going to be two raffles during the dance challenge! The first is for a 1 hour coaching session with Cassandra ($150 value) and the the second is for a MONTH of coaching ($600 value)! Click here to go to the website, or keep reading for why I signed up: I recently posted on here how important it is to listen to yourself. One of the best ways to feel more in touch with yourself is dancing! Dancing is a natural and fun form of meditation. If you don't enjoy sitting and focusing on your breathing, or you would like to expand your meditation practice, then I would suggest giving this dancing challenge from Cassandra a try. Dancing focuses your mind, brings you into your body, grounds you and gets you breathing deep. In addition, dancing gets your blood pumping and your heart working, so it's going to help improve circulation, detoxify, strengthen muscles and get you feeling good from the movement. There is a reason dancing is one of the most ancient forms of connecting to spirit. Not just in the sense of a higher power, but your own spirit, the life force that pulses through you and brings passion, positivty and ease and grace into your experiences. Photo copyright Chris Ford Whatever it is you're looking for (more happiness, better health, more abundance, self-love, partner love, courage, spiritual connection), this will support and enrich it. I imagine you'll need about ten extra minutes each day, which I am not afraid to say are ten minutes that will change your life. I have randomly joined in with Cassandra's dance videos on YouTube and already felt my energy and positive feelings rising. I really can't wait to take part in it everyday! To keep you dancing, Cassandra will send a short video each day with inspiration and tips. She has great energy that is balanced and uplifting, so I think you'll enjoy these. Then she'll link you the dancing videos, which are around 4-7 minutes. You'll also receive a dream vision questionnaire to help you get clear about what you want to achieve during this challenge. Cassandra has been certified in several different areas of coaching, healing and physical therapies, which is part of why I'm so looking forward to her daily inspirations, questions and tips. You don't have to be a good dancer or even feel comfortable dancing. And if you're not, that's even better because this will help you to feel more free and comfortable just as you are! The first few times I tried dancing along to one of Cassandra's videos I felt so uncomfortable, but each time I felt freer and better. She isn't going to tell you how to dance, because this is not a dancing class. It's a vibration raising and getting in touch with your freedom experience. In the videos Cassandra is not going to stay, "Step here, step here, do this". It's completely free form, which as I said might feel uncomfortable at first, but this will do so much to help open you up to facing fears, being spontaneous, free, light-hearted, inspired, in touch with your intuition, spirit, and more! I'm not going to say any more because Cassandra is going to be sharing in her own words on here about how dancing helped her to heal lifelong health issues and more. In the meantime, give the 100 day dance challenge a try if you feel called to it. I'd love to know what changes occur in your life by the end of it (as a reminder it starts November 4th). photo copyright Drew Herron Click here to visit Cassandra's site for the 100 day dance challenge, which explains in more detail what the challenge is and who she is. You can also find her contact there in case you want to ask her a question and learn more.