Relaxation week: This week, each meditation focused on deep relaxation in a different way. We're on the last day of this journey, and you can catch up on all past meditations here. This last meditation in the series is a combination of several things we've done this week. It will relax your mind and body, and help you to finish this week calm and stress free. If you enjoyed this series, please consider making a donation. If you'd like to follow this daily meditation podcast, go HERE, find your favorite podcast app, and hit subscribe! New meditations are posted Monday - Friday. Share this:
Relaxation week: This week, each meditation will focus on deep relaxation in a different way. We're on day 4 of 5 of this journey, and you can catch up on all past meditations here. Today, we step onto a beach and allow the waves of the ocean to completely relax us. Along with bringing deep relaxation, the waves will help you to surrender what you're ready to let go of. They will wash away what you're done with, and bring you the positive thing you're now ready for. If you'd like to follow this series, go HERE, find your favorite podcast app, and hit subscribe! New meditations are posted Monday - Friday. Share this:Relaxation week: This week, each meditation will focus on deep relaxation in a different way. Today, we continue our journey with a deeply relaxing meditation for the mind. With the help of some beautiful and rich Tibetan bowls, you will have a chance to clear, relax, and calm your mind. As the bowls play and layer into each other, you will able to use them as a means to focus and clear your mind. The goal here is not to get to a mind completely free of thought. Rather, you want to relax your mind, and allow yourself to see what's there from a new perspective. Let your thoughts flow, and try and see them from a bigger perspective, from a place free of judgement. Just let whatever comes to roll through you like the waves of the ocean. If you'd like to follow this series, go HERE, find your favorite podcast app, and hit subscribe! New meditations are posted Monday - Friday. Share this:Relaxation week: This week, each meditation will focus on deep relaxation in a different way. Today is day 2, and we'll be using meditative words to relax our mind and body. You can find day 1 here, and if you want to keep relaxing and meditating with me, come back every day this week! If you'd like to follow this series, go HERE, find your favorite podcast app, and hit subscribe! New meditations are posted Monday - Friday. Share this:Relaxation week: This week, every meditation will focus on deep relaxation in a different way. Today, we're doing a head-to-toe full body relaxation. This is episode 12 of my daily meditation podcast, which shares easy and accessible meditations for everyone. If you'd like to follow this series, go HERE, find your favorite podcast app, and hit subscribe! New meditations are posted Monday - Friday. Share this: |