I haven't written much here on connecting to guides and angels but it's something I do every day. Once I learned I had guides and angels I began practicing different ways to deepen my connection to them. The idea that I'm not alone, and that there's a whole team at my side was a powerful thought. It was one I wanted to explore more because frankly, I can't do everything alone. And I don't want to. As I began to explore how people connect with their guides and angels I discovered that there's no one exact and correct way. In the same way we are constantly changing in how we connect and bond with people, so do we change in how we connect with our guidance team. Which is the first thing you need to know: you can't do it wrong. If you think to yourself help me... I need you, and you feel a warmth come over, do not doubt that you've just called in the love and support that is coming to from your angels. You will always know what works for you, and it will change and evolve as you change and evolve in your spiritual journey. If you feel you don't know how to connect, or that you've asked for help before and you were let down, I'd like to share a few things that might help. For one, we all have guides and angels. You have someone standing beside you right now, radiating divine love onto you and celebrating you for being exactly who you are. If you don't feel this, and you feel you're walking alone in this world, it's not because you're doing anything wrong and you've been rejected or forgotten. Opening up to receiving the love and guidance of our invisible helpers often comes with the same blocks we have with receiving love and support from people. We often either don't feel worthy of receiving, or we've been deeply hurt in our lives and lost the ability to trust. Your guides and angels must, at all times, respect your free will. You are a powerful being, here in this world to learn and grow. Your team would never force something on you and choose what they feel is right for you (even if you think deep down it's a good thing). For example, if you ask for help in getting money for a car, but deep down, you don't believe anything will help you, then that's the belief your team must work with. This is Universal law, and it's in place to ensure you grow in strength. Angels and guides are here to assist you, not to usurp your personal power. In fact, they want to help you to grow that power and to grow in your self-love and self-confidence! Therefore, they cannot override your beliefs, and one of the best ways to deepen your connection and bond to your team is to change your core beliefs. These questions can help you in being more open:
If you're struggling to connect more with your spirit guides, guardian angels or just a sense of a higher power in your life, part of the problem might also be that you're making it too complicated. One thing I've found when I search this topic is that a lot of people want to make this seem harder than it is. You don't need any sacred ceremonies, complicated meditations, to cleanse anything, pray under the moon, change anything, or pay anyone to connect you. This all ties into question number two. Now, that being said, if any of that feels good to you, by all means do it. I've tried many things and all of it helped open me up and enrich my understanding. Once again, it comes down to belief. If you believe a certain ritual helps you to connect, then use it. At some point, you will most likely use it enough that you'll realize your connection is so deep you no longer need it. The need to use a ritual will fall away like an old skin, and you'll know that all you must do is think help me, show me you're here and you'll feel their presence. The one ritual that I use to connect is a simple one: I take a deep breath. When I need to feel my support, I close my eyes, put my hands on my heart, and take a deep breath. Deep breathing instantly connects you to your guides and angels. We tend to disregard this because for one, it's simple, and we have a hard time trusting things that are simple and easy. It's also not something we understand. It's not how we communicate with other people. When we want to connect to our guides we're sometimes looking to have a conversation that goes in the exact way it does when we talk to people. Spirit guides are, by definition, not people. Maybe they were once people, but as they exist now, they're energy in other dimensions, which is why they're so helpful! So let them talk to you in their own way, and you'll start to see they're "speaking" to you all the time. Here's a great way to practice connecting to your guides and angels right now: imagine you are breathing in their energy, and breathing out your energy back into them. What does their energy feel like? It feels like Love. Pure Love. Take a deep breath in and breathe in love. You can imagine them as angels with wings, clouds of energy, or whatever feels right. If you're not good with visualization, just set the intention you will breathe in their love, and breathe out to deepen your connection and bond to their love. That's enough. Breathe in through your nose, good and slow, and then breathe out through your mouth, sloooooooow. Keep doing this until you feel calm. Then say or think, 'thank you,' and know that as long as you're breathing, they're with you. In several of my guided meditations I incorporate connecting to your guides and angels. This can be a powerful and easy way to get started, as my voice will guide you and you can relax and simply follow the guidance. One of my favorites is Morning Meditation because it starts your day off welcoming in the love and support of your team. I also love the Mountain of Strength meditation because not only does it call in your team, but it takes you on a deep and healing inner journey in which they are with you every step of the way. If you struggle with question number three, and you feel you're blocked because of negative or traumatic past experiences, then I would suggest trying the Magic Cloud meditation. It uses subconscious imagery to connect you to a higher place, which works like hypnosis. It bypasses all of your conscious doubts and worries and allows you to connect on a soul level. Your soul never forgets that you are love, and that connecting to your guides and angels is as natural as feeling the sun on your face. The meditation is also deeply healing, as it washes away old things you're done with and brings in new and positive energy.