For a long time I struggled to even think the words, I am a healer. When I would think to myself I am a healer a lot of resistance would come up. What if someone questioned me and challenged my proclamation? What right did I have to call myself a healer? What did it even mean? The resistance I felt is common. Most people will never even consider that they are healers. Many even believe that healers are frauds and there's no such thing. If someone does believe in healers, they might see healers as mystical people who have rare and divine gifts. Healers do have divine gifts, but those gifts are not rare. It's true that some people take to it faster and with greater results than others. But that doesn't negate any one person's healing abilities. Just because I can't do calculus doesn't mean I'm not capable of basic math. I understand addition and subtraction and how to use this for my benefit in life. Other people are blessed with more mathematical skills than myself, but does that mean I should declare I can't do math and I'll never use it in my life? Not at all. The same is true of healing. We are all born with self-healing abilities. How far someone takes it and how much they want to focus upon it is their personal preference. Healers come in all shapes and sizes and occupy all professions and all beliefs. We ALL have the ability to heal ourselves and even each other. If that idea makes you feel strong emotions, especially of the kind that say NOPE, I am NOT a healer, then that's a matter of your inner beliefs clashing against what is inherent truth. You are a healer. If you weren't, you wouldn't have survived the first time you scraped your knee. You would have bled to death, rather than your body reacting by scabbing over and essentially, healing itself. There are many blocks that someone might feel before calling themselves a healer. One is that you simply can't do it and have no idea how. But if you have ever healed from anything, a cold, the flu, a cut, a cough, then you know this isn't true. Your body heals itself all the time. If you were ever once sad about something, say a breakup, and then you found your way back to happiness, then you healed yourself emotionally. Another block is the idea that we're not worthy of the title. Only the most special and sacred people on this planet become healers, right? Well that depends. If you think all people are special and sacred, then yes, that one is true. But if not, then no, there is no special creed from God that declares some are healers and others are not. Then there is the fear that owning and claiming our abilities will make us seems arrogant. Behind all of that might then be the lingering fear that we'll seem weird if we say we're healers. That's all pretty heavy, but it's easier to work through than it seems. The reason I would like to encourage you, or anyone, to get past this is because of what I share on this website: meditation. Meditation is the practice of self-healing. It's a time when you restore balance, discover the deepest reaches of your potential, let go of worry, and tune into divine energy. All of those things, from finding balance to reconnecting to your divinity, are healing. If, however, you refuse to see yourself as a healer then you are slowing down the powerful processes that are trying to happen. Your inner beliefs are wrestling with each other as your natural ability to self-heal clashes with the belief that you cannot heal. Which, if you think about, is another way of saying the power to create your life is in your hands. When you meditate, what happens on a deep, inner level is always up to you. To get the most out of a meditation you've got to awaken your inner healer and give her some love. She's already there. All she's waiting for is the permission to run forth and show how magical and powerful you really are. How can you embrace your inner healer?
The first thing to do is to expand your idea of what a healer is. Right now, it might be limited to people who do energy healing, such as Reiki. Or you might see only trained doctors, such as physicians and chiropractors, as healers. People who do energy work and traditionally trained medical doctors are both healers. But who a healer is and what they do goes way beyond that. Healing is not limited to a space in which a client receives help from a practitioner. When you hug someone to comfort them, you are healing them with both your touch and your empathy. You are a healer. When your child tells you they bumped their leg and you kiss it and put your hands on it, you are healing them with your love and your intentions that they feel better. You are a healer. When you get a headache and you begin rubbing your temples, that is you tuning into what you know intuitively - that your touch is healing, and when you apply it to certain places, you offer your body relief. You are a healer. If you have ever, in your life, made someone laugh, then you offered them healing. The benefits of laughter have been studied and found to range from boosting the immune system to relieving pain. Being able to heal is a natural part of you. It's as natural as feeling the sun warming your face and knowing it feels good. By embracing your inner healer, you will enhance all of the good things you seek in meditation. You will stop resisting positive change because deep down you will no longer believe you're incapable of healing your life. Your health will improve as you stop fighting your self-healing and instead feel into it. You will uplift your life and improve your world. And as you improve your world you improve the whole world. You bring much needed happiness and love into this world. You also inspire others to do the same themselves. By healing yourself, owning your abilities, and embracing it, you are showing up with courage and authenticity. That is extremely healing for others, and so just by being you and owning it, you heal. You are a healer. And in their own way, everyone else is offering you healing with their hugs, laughter, empathy and divine essence. It's pretty great when you think about it. From one healer to another, here's my self-healing tip of the day: Close your eyes and try to balance on one foot. Let your body do what it wants to find balance. Allow your arms to just float and move. Lift your other foot as high as you can. Because we usually do balance exercises with our eyes open you might find this to be really challenging. You might be able to balance for only a few seconds. But you will tune inside yourself in a way you never have before. Don't worry about how good or bad your balance is. Allow yourself to feel the beauty of tuning inside in a different way. After you've tried a few times, with your eyes still closed, put both feet together and brings your hands before your heart in prayer position. Take a deep breath and enjoy how good it feels when you're standing solid and steady on both feet. Then softly whisper to yourself, I am a healer. I am the powerful healer of my life. The power to heal is within me always.