What would this look like if it were easy?
I recently came across a thread on Twitter that started with someone asking "What is that ONE quote, phrase, or motto that you live by?" One of the replies was "What would this look like if it were easy?" He attributed it to Tim Ferris, and I was immediately intrigued. What did it mean? How should I use it? I asked what it meant to him, and he said, "It often helps me overcome resistance to starting a task I assume will be difficult. Rarely is it as difficult as I thought it’d be." - @BrandonManwell on twitter And so I tried it out myself. I began thinking of a project I feel overwhelmed by and I asked myself, "What would it look like if this was easy?" Insights and ideas flowed into me. I saw things I knew I could do and that I'm good at. I felt excited by this and like a huge weight had lifted off of me. I felt in a flow and like EASE had been restored. The "easy" didn't mean I would sit back and never work again. It meant I could find ways to do this that were in alignment with what works for me, and in ways that energized me instead of draining me. The next time you're feeling resistance, overwhelm, or like you just want to give up, ask yourself, "What would this look like if it were easy?" and notice what happens. Thank you so much! I hope this helps and brings you more ease and flow. For more positive content, hit follow me on Instagram! @meditate_with_melissa