I'm honored and excited for the stories I'll be sharing in my new series, overcoming obstacles. Each weekend a person will be featured who has taken an active step in their life in moving past something that scares or limits them. As I try to face my own fears I am also exploring new ways to handle what this process brings up. Lately, I have started to feel myself lose my grounding in my heart. Our heart center, or heart chakra, is pure love, and it's what keeps us feeling balanced and rejuvenated. When we lose our grounding there we can be overcome with thoughts of self-doubt, anxiety, limitation and an overall sadness. It's okay to feel nervous, especially as you grow beyond your comfort zone. The key is to temper those nerves with moments of regrounding. The meditation on my homepage is a great way to do this, or you can try this simple exercise for a deeper experience: Sit down to meditate as your normally do. Set the intention that no matter what comes up you will allow it flow. As you breathe in, breathe all of your energy into your heart. Visualize everything flowing down from your head and up from your lower torso, pulling everything into your center. As you breathe out, sing HU, and see your energy flow back out. As it flows out see the energy as pure and white, and spreading out evenly to every corner of your body and aura. HU is a mantra, like AUM, and it will help return your energy to pure love. This process is like sending all of your energy through a gentle and loving wash cycle. While doing this exercise, I always feel the thoughts and fears that hold me back come up, and I just acknowledge them and let them flow through the process. The track below is 18 minutes and features a group of 2,000 people singing HU. Focusing on your heart and this process for the full length of the track should help you to feel more centered, grounded and clear than you have in a long time. For other posts in the Meditation Monday series click here.
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