Take a deep breath Visualize a white light pouring down into the top of your head It melts down all through your mind It melts through worries and concerns It melts through self-doubt and insecurity It melts through stress and fatigue
The white light pours down your neck
It pours down your shoulders and down your arms It flows out through your hands It pours down your chest It fills your heart and you take a deep breath Your heart reconnects to its Source, to its wisdom, to the innate healing power that imbues every drop of your life The white light pours down your lower torso It fills your stomach and melts through anxiety It melts through fear and disconnect It melts through feelings of isolation and loneliness The white light pours down through your hips It flows down your legs It pours out the bottoms of your feet And all the fatigue, doubt, fear, and negative energy that's built up from the week just pours right out of you It flows out and out and out until you are free and clear Until you are refreshed and reset The white light then expands out It expands out two feet Then four feet Then ten feet The white light surrounds you and holds you like a warm hug It protects you and nourishes you And as you breathe, the light anchors in, here to stay with you for the rest of the week Keep breathing with the light as long as you need. The recording of this meditation is included in the 30 Day Vibration Raising Journey. If you would like to experience high vibrations, inner peace, miraculous break throughs, and more, join this 30 day journey! It comes with 30 unique daily meditations, a personal journal, and is unlike any other. Click the button below to learn more! |