For the next few months (or however long it lasts) I'll be taking a hiatus from working on this website.
I'm so grateful to everyone who has been and is a part of this journey. All of the people who messaged me or reached out to say they found something of value here showed me this is something bigger than me. I never imagined this site would reach over 5,000 people a month. I initially began this website in response to deep seeded fear I was feeling in pursuit of being a writer. I didn't know if I could make it, and so I began considering another path. This alternate path was based around my other passion, meditation. As I grew this website I wrote about fear, insecurity and the quest to feel centered in this chaotic world. I searched for the part of the me that was bigger than my fear. What is my eternal self? How do I reach the part of me that is only love, the part of me that knows no limits? One of my most popular articles, which I originally wrote for Tiny Buddha about why we feel fear, is one I still refer to for my own comfort. You can read it here, or explore some of my other popular posts, which will remain listed on the side (or below on mobile). My personal favorite blog post is People Are the Universe. Although this alternate path is currently in a state of flux, what I began here has planted a new seed. My screenwriting is going great, and I am no longer drowning in fear. However, I still have so much learning to do. I still have questions. I still have days I feel afraid and lost. If you'd like to stay in touch you can do so through my Facebook page, or use the contact form on the about page. Thank you again for having been a part of this! I'll see you on the other side :)