Surrender is a difficult thing. It feels like we're giving up control at the exact moment we need to be pulling the reins tighter. It feels counter-intuitive and even reckless. It can also feel downright impossible. When a huge problem is mounting in our life, our first instinct is to fix it. We want to do everything we can to change the course of things. However, this desire to do it all ourselves doesn't leave any room for the miracles and magic of the Universe. It only allows for things to come in from our own limited perspective. In order to get the support, guidance, and relief we need, we have to hand it over to a higher source. This higher source can see all available solutions. It can also see all the steps that will get us there and which step we must take next, even if it makes no sense in the moment. And if we're willing to trust and take it step by step, we can receive all that we've been asking for. Like everything in this life, surrender is a two way street. Whatever we do, the Universe does back. The Universe is our constant mirror. And so when we surrender, the Universe surrenders to us. When we're trying to fix it all on our own, we've got our heads down, focused only on what we can see in front of us. When we surrender, we throw our arms open and look up. We receive everything that's outside of our current problem. We open ourselves up to what's beyond our present reality. We open ourselves up to new ideas, new people, and to an entirely new reality. When we are consumed with a problem, perhaps debt, and all our thinking is revolved around getting out of debt, then all our focus is on DEBT DEBT DEBT. However, when we let go and surrender, we allow our energy to free up to other, more positive things. The Universe can only send back to us what we send out. In order to stop getting things related to debt, our focus has to shift off of it. Once you surrender, all the power and love of the Universe surrenders to you. Just imagine the forces that created galaxies rushing in behind you, lifting you up and carrying you forwards. This is the power of surrender. It's scary as hell as to let go and trust in something we can't see. But it's even scarier to find out what happens when we don't. If you're struggling to surrender, I would recommend trying a float tank. I've been a huge fan for years, and wrote about my first experience here. You might also like my guided meditation Surrender & Allow. It's deeply relaxing and done lying down on your back.