One of my favorite guided meditations I sell in my library is The Magic Cloud. I use it when I'm truly feeling low, as if the whole Universe has forgotten me. I use it when my pessimism has run out of control and I'm feeling hopeless and helpless. It's a very soothing meditation and always relaxes and refreshes me. I often fall asleep during the long version, which is why I also use it as a sleep aid. I created this meditation using visuals that you could easily call up in your mind wherever you lie down to meditate. The meditation centers around where you are and asks something simple: visualize a cloud forming over you. The symbolism of the cloud and how this triggers healing in your unconscious will be discussed in a moment. But first, let's focus on why this meditation uses this approach. The first reason I use a cloud forming over you, right where you are, is so that you can feel the healing happens in the space you're in. Often, in guided meditations you will be guided to go somewhere else, such as a sacred cave, a garden, or a temple. I love these kinds of visuals, but my intention for you is to feel you good where you are and not in need of escaping it. By visualizing the space you're in being transformed by a magical and healing cloud, then you will come to associate where you are in life as being positive. You will see that you can transform a situation at anytime, and not by escaping it, but by bringing in positive visuals and thoughts. This can have a profound effect on your entire life as you start to approach situations outside of your meditation space with this same intention: I can change this by using positive thoughts. The second reason I keep the visualizing simple is to allow your mind to take a back seat. Trying to conjure up complicated scenes can make your mind more active. In meditation, we want the opposite, we want your mind to slow down and drift. This allows your brainwaves to slow down so that you may enter the altered state where the magic of meditation happens. Once your mind is relaxed and in that altered state, that is when the true power of the cloud visual kicks in. The visual begins small - with a soft puff of a cloud right over you. You continue to grow this cloud out slowly and gently, right over you, while staying deeply relaxed. You continue to grow it until it fills the whole room. At this point, you are guided to know that your cloud is far more than what you "see." This cloud you've conjured up, it extends deep into the Universe. You don't see this and you don't have to visualize it. Without you having done much at all, you've created a connection that opens up your mind and spirit to the farthest expanses of the Universe. From this point, a gentle rainfall begins, and this rain comes to you from this higher place. The rain is opening you up to receiving from your Higher Self. You've done this right where you are, so it won't feel like something you can only connect to when you're meditating on some far away garden. You will know that this is always available to you, in the here and now. You will be empowered to know opening and receiving is this easy, and you will end the meditation feeling loved, held and healed. Visit the Magic Cloud Guided Meditation page to hear a sample and to purchase the mp3.