Awaken and energize your spirit with this uplifting meditation. It will tune you into the feeling of excitement and magnetize you to incredible gifts and blessings that will truly make you feel excited!
This meditation is included in the 30 Day Vibration Raising Journey. This powerful journey will raise your energy, uplift your self-esteem, nourish you with deep self-love, and more! It includes daily meditations, journal prompts, and quotes. It's a truly transformative experience! Share this:30 Day Vibration Raising Journey
• 30 energizing guided meditations
• 30 inspiring journal prompts • 30 uplifting daily quotes • 18 minute bonus meditation for affirmation, reflection, and inspiration • 10 minute bonus meditation for healing and vibration raising • 10 minute bonus meditation Magnetic Blessing Ball • 9 minute bonus meditation The Energy of Excitement • Lifetime access