How often do you say to yourself, “I could do more with my life than what I am. My potential is far beyond this.”
But then what happens after you think that? When we begin seeking out ways to actually do what it is we desire our mind yells, “You can’t do that! Are you crazy?” We start to look up online dating or weight loss groups and then toss the idea aside when we think, “Come on, you’ve tried before and you failed. What makes you think this time will be different?” or “You? You think you could do that? Puh-leaze.” This may sound like our own mind turning against us, but it’s merely one way we use to protect ourselves. Whether we were hurt by someone in our family or saw an experience go horribly wrong we’ve created defenses to keep ourselves from feeling that pain again. It’s not wrong, but unfortunately over time those defenses become limiting and trap us long after we’re ready to move on from them. How do we break through these scripts that are so fast we don’t even see the trigger being pulled?
For me, one trick that worked was to picture a big red STOP sign. When I started slipping into, “You can’t,” and “it’ll never work,” I pictured a STOP sign and nothing else. I held the image until the thoughts stopped, and then I asked myself, “Is this true, or are you just creating limits because you’re scared?” For the most part I was scared, and once I admitted that I could handle the fear. But the runaway train of thoughts, the stream of, “can’t, shouldn’t, not possible, not worthy, etc.” is much harder to manage. It’s better to stop it then to try and control it.
But what if you can’t stop it? What if nothing works, not even the image of a STOP sign? If you’ve run out of ways to harness the power of your mind (and yes, it is powerful, it just might be driving that power in the wrong direction) then here's something to try: I have a free mantra meditation that might give you a breakthrough. It’s called “I AM the Universe” and you can play it on my YouTube page. Once you get your mind clear you can begin acknowledging, accepting and then changing the scripts that limit or stop you.
I encourage you to do two things: One, play the meditation with headphones on, and two, read the description below it before you play it. As a brief intro, the song consists of a group of 2,000 people singing HU. HU is a primordial sound, like OM or SHANTI, and the intention behind it is a “love song to God.” When you consider that God resides in all of us, and that you are singing a love song to God, which in turn means you’re singing it to yourself, you’ll understand the power behind this simple word. Over this is the mantra, "I am the Universe, the Universe is me."
Once you’ve played the meditation be prepared with what you’d want to say if you felt you could tell yourself anything without your mind stopping you. Write it down and have it in front of you for when the meditation stops. As soon as you're ready, read it out loud. If you can, the best way is to imagine stepping outside yourself and saying this back to you. Say it as you would to a friend, and say it with as much conviction as you can. You might write something like, “I love you, but these limiting thoughts have to stop. They aren’t true. I can be a singer and record my own album. I am talented and I am capable and here’s x, y and z things that support this.” Or you might keep it simple and say, “I am love. I am power. I am infinite.” This is a private thing to do, only for you. Do it for you and for no one else. Do whatever it takes to get your breakthrough. Clear your mind and read your positive mantras as many times as it takes to start seeing results. And you will see results; you will, you just need to clear the fog that keeps you believing you won’t. You deserve it, and yes, you can have the life of your dreams. I know it. Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. - Willie Nelson