In two days, we will have a full moon. Meditating on the full moon is a wonderful way to get in touch with your divine, feminine energy.
This energy is all about gentle power. It's the kind of energy that effects change not through aggression and force, but through love and patience. This energy can be used to release resistance, renew your sense of perseverance, to see things from a higher perspective, and to restore a sense of calm and inner peace. Because this meditation is all about letting go, it's also a wonderful companion to the fall season. As the leaves fall and we feel a natural inclination to release, we can call on Luna, our moon, to help us with this release. Luna will offer you her love and light, allowing you to release what you're done with and call in what you're ready for. This meditation is part of an on going series. To learn more and subscribe via SoundCloud or your podcast app go here. To see all episodes in the series go here.